ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Cultural Heritage

The Safeguard Policy Review and Update Phase 2 consultations intend to provide opportunities forstakeholders to express their views and opinions on ADB's environmental and social safeguards in the most meaningful and safest manner possible.
All stakeholders are encouraged to articulate any project-related inputs and concerns they have during the consultation sessions, all of which will be recorded and duly documented during each event. This allows the ADB to review, consider and respond to, if necessary, any comments and inputs made. Background materials on the thematic areas have been released for the reference of participants in preparation for the consultations and dialogues.
All types of project feedback are welcome and will not be used for the purposes of retaliation, abuse, or any other kind of discrimination. Written session documentation containing a summary of feedback will be disclosed from the transcripts and recordings of the consultations. This will ensure the accuracy and transparency of proceeding records.
If you have any issues or concerns on confidentiality, potential risks, abuse, or any kind of discrimination during the course of the consultations, please get in touch with the SPRU Secretariat through

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